Dandelions Loaf Cake & Other Recipes
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Dandelions, a source of vitamins and minerals.
Dandelions were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and are recorded to have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over a thousand years. The plant was used as food and medicine by Native Americans.
Eat your Weeds !
Before you throw away the dandelions from your lawn, remember that they are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamins A, C and K and moderate sources of calcium, iron, potassium and zinc.
If you live in a pesticides-free area, why not trying these simple recipe with the kids?
Have Fun & make a delicious Dandelions Loaf Cake
GĂąteau aux fleurs de pissenlits
Feeling adventurous ?
And if you feel adventurous, you may explore one of these 10 ways to use dandelions in the kitchen. Our favourite recipes is the Dandelions Pumpkin Seeds Pesto