9 Eco Resolutions for a Greener 2017
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Are you making resolutions for 2017? We’d like you to consider greening your list. Self-reflection is key, but don’t get overwhelmed in the process. It’s easier to become more environmentally conscious when we make small, incremental changes instead of huge life changes. Here are a few we’d like you to consider:
- Make sure you’re utilizing your district’s recycling programs to the fullest. The programs are ever-changing, diverting more and more refuse out of the landfill. Mark your calendar’s quarterly to check in with your district’s website. They usually have a recycling hotline where you can ask for clarification.
- Ask for your beverages without straws. This is a great habit to get into. Single-use plastic is so detrimental to wildlife and easy to give up. If you must have a straw, carry one with you, along with your usual travel cutlery and reusable shopping bag.
- Make friends with other environmentally conscious people. Check Meetup for a group that aligns with your values and interests.
- Ask for your coffee to stay. It’s so Euro!
- Take advantage of public transit. Going downtown? Most cities have transit services that cater to getting people to the downtown core. You’ll save money and have more time to read or knit.
Pack a lunch. Take-out containers are often not recyclable even when they are labelled so. District recycling programs don’t always recycle every recyclable material. Sadly, restaurant owners often don’t check into those details. Or they are part of a national chain and can’t accommodate each city individually, so make sure you check. Avoid the guilt altogether by packing a lunch most of the time, and make a mental note of restaurants who use packaging that is recycled in your area for days where you are too rushed to make a lunch.
- Take advantage of second hand and vintage stores. Upcycling is so much better than recycling and can add a unique flair to decor and wardrobe.
- Support shop owners and online stores that supply eco-friendly items.
- Give up beef. Eliminating beef, or at least cutting down on your beef consumption will greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to the UN.
Inspired? Find more eco-living tips here.
What are your favourite simple steps to go green? Leave us your suggestions in our comments so we can help spread the word!